Spring Bouquet
Bring the beauty of spring into your home or special event with our stunning "Spring Bouquet" artificial flower arrangement. This breathtaking bouquet features a harmonious blend of delicate Lisianthus, lush Spiraea, soft Hydrangea, velvety Mulberry, and trailing Wisteria in soothing white and green shades.
Our "Spring Bouquet" is designed to captivate with its lifelike appearance and striking color combination. It's the perfect way to add a touch of natural beauty to your home décor, special event, or office. And with its low maintenance design, you can enjoy this bouquet's beauty for years to come, without the worry of wilting or fading.
So why wait? Order your "Spring Bouquet" today and bring the beauty of spring into your life!
Flower Mix- Lisianthus, Spiraea, Hydrangea, Mulberry and Wisteria.
Flower Height- Flowers are uncut but can be bent or cut after receival to the preferred height.